Solar Power System 

What Is Solar Power System 

Solar Power System converts sunlight into electrical energy through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy generates electricity. This electricity can be utilized not only for personal use but also can be stored in solar batteries as well feed to national grid.

The Three Types of Solar Power System

  1. On-Grid : Also known as a grid-tied solar power system.
  2. Off-Grid : Also known as a stand alone solar power system.
  3. Hybrid : The system that uses batteries for storage and in connection with grid.

It typically consist of solar panels, inverters, mounting structure and some times batteries for energy storage.

Solar Panel :Sun light is converted into direct current (DC) electricity through solar panels, which contains photovoltaic cells. These cells are called PV cells. the cells are made of materials that produce excited electrons when they are exposed to the sunlight. Electrons flow in a circuit to produce direct current (DC), which is used to be powered various devices or can be stored in batteries as well.

Types of Solar Panels : There are three types of Solar Panels, given as below:
  • Monocrystalline Panels :  These panels are made from black colored single silicon crystal. They have an octagonal shape.
  • Polycrystalline Panels : These panels are made from blue colored multi silicon crystals. They have a square shape. 
  • Thin Film Panels : These are made of one or more layers of different materials such as Amorphous silicon (a-Si), Cadmium (GaAs) and Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS). They are applicable on different substrates like metal, plastic and glass. They are light-weight.
The materials and structure of a solar cell depends on the technology used to manufacture the solar cell.   A P-N Junction have P-type crystalline silicon wafers that are positively charged and N-type crystalline silicon wafers that are negatively charged.  Following are some popular technologies using to-day for manufacturing solar cells :!

P-Type : P-type solar panels have a structure of c-Si wafers, doping by Boron or Gallium, that produces fewer electrons and positive charge. P-type panels are dipped in Boron that interacts with oxygen and resulting a decrease performance by up to 10% over the time 

N-Type : N-type solar panels have a structure of c-Si wafers, doping by Phosphorous, that produces additional free electrons and negative charge.  N-type solar cells are dipped in Phosphorus , so they are immune to boron-oxygen defects, they are more efficient and are not affected by light-induced degradation. 
Single Glass Solar Module : Are also called Mono-facial Solar Panels.  As the name shows, there is a layer of glass on the front of module. Typically they are manufactured by a combination of glass, EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) and a back sheet. They are light weight and simple to install, also low in price.

Double Glass Solar Module : Are also called Bi-facial Solar Panels. As the name shows, it's a contrast of single glass solar panels. They have a transparent layer on both, front and back side. These layers are capable to capture sunlight from  both sides. The space between the two glass layers is often filled with a transparent encapsulant. This module if more efficient, more durable and have a better temperature tolerance. They are heavier and complicated to install, also high in price.

Standard Solar Panel Sizes and Capacity

Solar panels are available in various sizes and capacities to cater to different installation requirements and energy needs. It depends on the factors like your budget, available space and your energy needs. There are so many choices, you have to pick the right one.

Inverter : Inverter is a device which converts the variable direct current (DC) output into an alternative current  (AC), produced by solar panel . That can be transferred to a commercial electrical grid or a local off-grid consumer


Mounting Structure : Mounting Structure is the key component that helps to maximize energy generation by keeping the panels at the right angle to capture maximum sunlight. These frameworks are designed to face various environmental conditions, such as rain, wind storm and extreme hot temperature. Additionally it provides protection to the panels from damage, also easy access for repair or maintenance.

Types Of Mounting Structure  : Some commonly known mounting structure types are these.

  • Roof Mounting Structure
    • Directly assembled to a building's roof whether residential or commercial.
  • Tracking Mounting System
    • This system follows the movement of sun and adjust the panel angle.
  • Ground Mounting Structure
    • Ideally these mounts are installed on a large scale open fields.
  • Pole Mounting Structure
    • Using single of multiple panels mounted of a pole.
  • Carport Mounting Structure 
    • Mounting on a carport or parking area to provide both shade and energy.

Components Required For Solar Mounting Structure

  •  Rooftop Anchor (aluminum or steel)
  • Mounting Stand
  • Mounting Frame
  • A Unique Key Lock System
  • Bolts
  • Clamps

Cables or Wires : High quality electrical cables are specifically designed that are used for Solar Power System. Such materials are used that can endure and survive with extreme weather conditions. Solar Cables should ensure the electricity transmission safe and efficient throughout the system. Solar cables are available in different sizes and lengths to accommodate any system configurations.

Solar cables should be certified as international safety standards. They should have ability to minimize energy losses, maximizing system's efficiency. Commonly they are of 4mm², 6mm² and 10mm² sizes. 

Batteries :  Solar batteries are different in capacity than normal batteries. Solar batteries can store more energy to reserve the electricity which is generated by solar panels using sunlight and can be used after sunset or at night. Also sometimes during low sunlight.

Direction And Angle of Solar Panels: It is important to install solar panels where sunlight hits panels as much as possible. A remarkable effect on the efficiency of your system is to understand the direction and position of your panels. An easy formula to find out the best angle and direction for your solar panels is to add 15 degrees to your area's latitude in the winter and minus 15 degrees to your area's latitude in summer. The performance of solar panels most likely depends on the weather conditions of the area, you are living in.
Net Metering : Solar consumers who generate electricity via Solar Power System are enable to feed excess electricity to National Grid after personal use.

Net metering offers you to compensate the surplus or you can reduce electricity bill against your monthly electricity bill.

Benefits of Solar Power System 
  • Levels pollution or greenhouse gas emissions to zero
  • Long term saving
  • Decrease energy bills
  • Independency in energy production
  • Independency in electricity usage
  • Assured sustainable future
  • Helpful for climate
  • Easy to maintain
  • Smart usage of natural resources

Conclusion :
In conclusion, Solar Power System is most efficient and reliable source of generating electricity using sunlight. It is a clean, cost-effective and reliable source of energy. With advancement in technology, solar power system have become more efficient and affordable both for residential and commercial applications. Provides lots of benefits such as power independency, saving in terms of heavy electricity bills, long-term investment and is also environmental friendly.


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